Finding a lawyer in Germany

Germany is the most populous country in Europe, and it is also the largest economy in Europe. It is the fifth-largest economy in the world, with a USD 4.2 trillion GDP. The German economy is built around highly skilled workers and a high degree of innovation. Germany is home to many leading industrial and service companies. Among the many large and well-known German companies, you find Mercedes-Benz, BMW, SAP, Volkswagen, Audi, Siemens, Allianz, Adidas, Porsche, Deutsche Bahn, Deutsche Bank and Bosch.


The size of the German economy and the fact that German companies provide some of the best products and services in the world means that many other companies and businessmen do business in Germany. The country is also popular among investors who want to invest in the mature, low-risk German market and among entrepreneurs who want to try to build the next German giant.

Germany is a well-developed economy with honest people and very little corruption. It is, however, despite this, always best to hire a lawyer if you want to invest or start a company in Germany. Conflicts can arise despite the best intentions, and when they do, it is important to have a well-written contract that clearly details the rights and obligations of each party. Below, we will look a little more about when you should hire a lawyer and when you should not.

You can find a selection of well-respected German lawyers in the menu to the left. Some of the lawyers in the menu are retired and some are still in business.

Do I need a lawyer when….

I want to invest in a German stock.

No. You do not need to hire a lawyer if you want to invest in German stock. Most large companies are listed on the German stock market. The German stock market is well-run and can be trusted in the same way as the NASDAQ and Dow Jones. The biggest companies can be found on the DAX index. The stocks that you find on that list is equivalent to blue chip stock.

If you want to buy stock in an unlisted company, then I recommend that you hire a lawyer to make sure that you get what you expect to get and that your shares can not be diluted more than other investors shares if the company decides to raise more money.

Some German companies are listed on one of the US stock markets.

I want to invest in German CFDs or German binary options.

No, you do not need to get a lawyer to invest in German binary options or CFDs. There are several well-respected international brokers such as IQ option and IG option that allow you to invest in CFD:s and binary options based on German companies. If you prefer a US binary options broker, you can register and account with NADEX and trade with German binary options through them.

I want to start a company in Germany

It is possible to start a company yourself without the need for a lawyer. It helps if you know German, but it is not a necessity. I do, however, recommend that you hire a lawyer who can guide you through the process and help ensure that the company is set up in the most beneficial way for you.

Buying a german companyI want to buy a company in Germany

You should always hire a lawyer if you or your company wants to buy a German company or a division of a German company. They can help you with everything from the transfer of ownership to the minimization of taxes and the transfer of permits.

I want to buy a property in Germany

I recommend that you hire a lawyer if you are buying a property without involving a broker. If you are using a real estate broker, then they can help you with the transfer of ownership, and there is no need to hire a lawyer.

Always hire a lawyer if you are buying a non-typical property or want to make a non-typical stipulation in the purchase agreement.

I want to buy a product or a service from a German company

You will generally not need a lawyer to buy a service or product from Germany. The company selling the product or service will be able to tell you the exact terms that are associated with the purchase.

It can be a good idea to have a lawyer look over the contract if you are buying a very large quantity of goods. Large enough to give you leverage to negotiate the terms. However, if you are in this situation, you will likely have an in-house legal team to help you with this. It can be a good idea for the legal team to consult with a German lawyer since the US and German law can differ a lot in certain areas.

This article was last updated on: September 25, 2023